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Director of Finance

Elect ONE of the following candidates:

Candidate Bio
Ankita Grewal

Candidate did not submit a statement for this position.
Candidate Bio
Serena Ng

Hi everyone!

My name is Serena Ng and I’m running to be your next Director of Finance.

I have been heavily involved in SUS through various committees and have gained valuable insight into SUS and the Science community. Being in the Finance Committee, I am familiar with the many financial operations of SUS, from managing the budget to processing grants and reimbursements. I am also currently the AMS Representative of the UBC Global Fund Advisory Committee, where I review grants and ensure the fund is appropriately allocated. Together with my diverse experiences, I possess the dedication and passion for this position.

If elected, I will:

  • Ensure the budget is well-managed and allocated
  • Implement a more efficient way of reviewing and processing grants and reimbursements
  • Ensure SUS continues and remains a sustainable society

If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me at serena.ng@alumni.ubc.ca. Thank you for your support!

Candidate Bio
Simon Tai

Hi Science Undergraduates,

My name is Simon Tai, currently a second-year statistics major. I am excited to be running for your Director of Finance. Over the years I have developed a passion for analyzing and managing numbers. I have served for the year as a Treasurer of Science One Survivor and Formation Dancesport clubs. Now, I want to take my experience and help utilize your money in a more sustainably and effective way that benefit you.

As the Director of Finance I will:

  • Ensure that the SUS budget is well managed in a adequate way that benefits the students
  • Increase efficiency of processing and distributing grants

So please vote YES for Simon Tai as Director of Finance and I will promise you, I will bring leadership, responsibility and reliability to my position.

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

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Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z1, Canada
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