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Director of Administration

Only one candidate: election by acclamation (vote Yes/No).

Candidate Bio
Bryan Cheah

Hey all!

Candidate: Bryan Cheah

How to pronounce my last name:

Running for: Director of Administration

Why: I like to manage and see stuff fall in place (like Tetris)

Experience: 3yrs of sticking my nose in SUS events

Last pushing factor, as Pitbull sings:
I know you want me, You know I want cha,
I know you want me, You know I want cha,

One two three four, Uno do’ tres cuatro

NOW log into SSC and hit WEBVOTE!
Let your voice be heard, VOTE for the candidate of your choice!

Questions? bcbryan@interchange.ubc.ca

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

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