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AMS Representative

Elect FOUR of the following candidates:



Candidate Bio
Ankita Grewal

Candidate did not submit a statement for this position.
Candidate Bio
Dorri Mahdaviani

Hi Everyone!I’m Dorri Mahdaviani and I am running to be your AMS representative. I have been involved with SUS throughout my undergraduate career both as a voting and non-voting member on council. During my initial year on council, I was the Environmental Science program representative where I sat on the Sales committee and Sports committee. I have also held the role of Sales Manager for SUS where along with my Co-chair, we brought you the first ever SUS Catalogue. Throughout the last few years, I have gained the skill set and determination that is mandatory for the role of AMS representative.

Being a fourth year student, I have the knowledge and experience to represent SUS and Science students effectively on the AMS council. Once elected, I want to ensure that YOUR voice is heard on the AMS council. I hope to liaise with elected VP Internal and Senator to *snip*

Candidate Bio
Eric Toyota

To all limbs of the Science-Student-Body,
I run with realistic goals, void of naivety, aware of my limitations and roles. As PRO and Electoral Administrator, I had the opportunity to interact with a wide variety of students. My experience as the Science student representative for the Teaching-Learning-Enhancement-Fund granted me valuable insight into all things academia. With friends that extend into all niches of sciences, I maintain a firm grasp on the feelings of students. You may think, “but I’ve never met this Toyota-kid.” Well, my friend, I know you. I know you very well.With your vote, I vow to fiercely protect the interests of science students, stretch limits of what can be accomplished, fight against injustices incurred upon all students, ‘and never forget that this is a once in a lifetime love’ (ladies).

Representing the rest: TOYOTA 2012.


Candidate Bio
Hamid Safi

Hi, my name is Hamid Safi and I am running to be your AMS Representative. I believe my experience in UBC (Science Week, Student Leadership Conference, Career Days and Grad Fair and C.L.A.S.S.) for the past three years give me ample knowledge and experience to effectively represent Science students on the AMS council.My goals:
· Making certain students are aware of all services available to them that would enhance their academic experience in UBC (ie. available informal learning spaces)
· Pushing to increase opportunities for more student involvement in both academic and non academic areas
· Working with both SUS Execs and AMS to secure funding and possibility for more undergrad research opportunities.

I will strive to work effectively in voicing not only SUS but all Science students on the AMS Council. Vote Hamid as your AMS Representative.

Any questions: approach me personally or email me at HamidForAMSRep@gmail.com.

Candidate Bio
Hanson Do

Looking to get an extra kick out of Science next year? What a coincidence! I, Hanson Do, 2nd year, want to be your go-to guy as one of your AMS Reps this fall! I’m running for the purpose of improving AMS communications with the Science Undergraduate Society, increasing accessibility of AMS services and opportunities to our leaders in Science, and lobbying for more AMS exposure on campus such as establishing more Waterfillz kiosks in popular Science buildings. My SUS experience includes being elected as the Cognitive Systems Department Rep, working with the SUS Academic & Sports Committees and having volunteered for Science Frosh as a Frosh Leader, so I have improved my leadership skills a great deal over the year, and will gladly represent and speak on your behalf your Science undergraduate needs and wants to the AMS. As a Tetris champ, I am up for a challenge!
Candidate Bio
Jessica Li

My name is Jessica Li and I’m running to be your next AMS Rep!I am passionate about connecting you to SUS and AMS. My skills and involvement with SUS for Science Week have inspired me to take on a greater role within Science. I’ve come to realize how important it is to bridge the gap between students, SUS, and AMS, which is where I come in!

As an AMS Rep, I will ensure that your voices are represented when AMS makes decisions about key issues, including financial aid, effective budgeting, campus events, and, of course, the AMS Lodge at Whistler. I will make sure that I voice the concerns of every student with transparency and equality.

If elected, I will strive for solutions that will benefit YOU. Help me make this happen by voting online at WebCT from March 12th to 16th for JESSICA LI as your AMS REP!

Candidate Bio
Justin Chang

Hi, my name is Justin Chang and I hope to be re-elected as an AMS representative for Science. I have been heavily involved with SUS, being a member of the FYC, SUS council, and Building Management Commission (building supervisor and manager). I have been a commuter-, resident-, summer- and Co-op- student, and I believe that I am invested in the interests of all students across the faculty of Science. Feel free to contact me regarding my campaign at changjus@interchange.ubc.ca. Thank you.
Candidate Bio
Justin Fernandes

Hello everyone,My name is Justin Fernandes and I have the knowledge and passion to represent you on the AMS Council. As a soon to be fourth year Science student who has observed student politics for a long time, I have a very good understanding of the dominant issues across campus, and am well versed in the structure of student governance.

If elected, I will strive to:

  • Make sure Science student’s opinions are heard with respect to the utilization of the Gage South and environs land, and promote student’s interests during the construction of the new SUB.
  • Increase the prevalence of inter-constituency events and student awareness of AMS events by being an active member of the Student Life Committee.
  • Increase understanding of the AMS and what it has to offer to students by providing regular updates to SUS Council.

For more information, email me at pjfdes@gmail.com. Thanks!

Candidate Bio
Maria Cirstea

For the past 3 years I have worked hard to represent you and the interests of all Science students on AMS council. If re-elected, my focus this year will be:

  • Financial accountability: The AMS recently passed the referendum to increase student fees. I will continue to ensure this money is used towards services that directly benefit students.
  • Businesses: The AMS business organization is currently under review. I will work to ensure that the new business structure will maximize profits and remain student oriented.
  • SLFS: I was recently elected to the SLFS board. Through this, I will work with the AMS to increase advocacy and awareness of this fund.
  • Transparency: I will continue to consult students and, through SUS, keep them aware and updated on all important decisions
Candidate Bio
Praveena Thirunathan

My name is Praveena Thirunathan and I’m running to be one of your 4 AMS reps!Enthusiastic and motivated, I am a first year student who wants to represent you, the science student body, when it comes to both SUS and AMS. I’ve been involved with First Year Committee and Science Week, and those experiences are what will help me focus your thoughts and ideas into a change for the better.

Why should you vote for me?

  • Transparency: I will make sure you are informed of all decisions regarding you.
  • FInancial Support: increased funding for undergraduate programs.
  • Student Involvement: I will try and get more commuter students involved so they can be a part of campus life.

My exuberance, experience in SUS and my confidence are what make me suited to be your AMS Rep. If you have any questions, email me at praveena.thirunathan@gmail.com

Candidate Bio
Serena Ng

Hello everyone!My name is Serena Ng and I am seeking re-election to be your AMS Representative for SUS.

With my involvement in both AMS and SUS, I have gained the experience, skills and passion for this position. Sitting on the AMS Council this year, I have worked hard to be a strong voice for you. I will continue to strive for positive change and work towards solutions to issues that affect you.

I will continue to:

  • Advocate for increased student aid
  • Actively work to push for enrichment in the academic and social aspects of student life
  • Keep students aware of the issues and decisions affecting them
  • Ensure the council and executives remain accountable

Help me make AMS a more efficient and effective organization by re-electing me as your AMS Representative.

If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me at serena.ng@alumni.ubc.ca. Thank you for your support!

Candidate Bio
Tyson Miao

Hi Science Students!My name is Tyson Miao and I am running for your AMS representative. As an active member of SUS, my involvements include Science Frosh, Imagine, SUS Sales committee, SUS Social committee and Science Week event committee. As a squad leader for UBC Orientation, I support new UBC students in their transition to university. I will continue my involvement with campus life as a RA for Totem Park and as an Academic Advisor for international students in UBC Jump Start.

If elected, I will bring experience, leadership and passion to the AMS council. With your support, I will become your voice and defend your interest on the council.
I am dedicated to improve our undergraduate experience, and I need your vote to do it.
If you have any question, please email me at tysonmiao@hotmail.com. I look forward to meeting you in my campaign. Thank you

Candidate Bio
William Huang

Candidate did not submit a statement for this position.

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Science Undergraduate Society
6270 University Boulevard,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z1, Canada
Tel: 123-456-7890
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Buchanan D140,
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