Elect ONE of the following candidates:
Candidate |
Bio |
Lisa Zhu

I am a second year student, studying Nutritional Sciences and I obviously love food. However, politics, and current events are also a passion of mine. When I got the email about the up-coming elections, I was very excited and I wanted to do my part by representing the Faculty of Land and Food Systems. This is something I have always wanted to be a part of and the role of the senator sounds fitting for me. As the current treasurer of the UBC Food Society Club and a past events coordinator I feel I can bring the skills I have learnt to this new position. As your senator, I would attend monthly meetings where all 85 senators would discuss and be responsible for school policies, establishing new courses and advising the Board of Governors on academic issues. I hope to build a stronger connection between our faculty members and the senate, with me being your messenger. I will do this by using social media, like Twitter to give you concise updates about these the meetings. This informative platform can also be a tool for you to use to suggest ideas or to share any concerns you might have with me and I can bring them forward at the meeting. |