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VP Administration

Elect ONE of the following candidates:

Candidate Bio
Milica Sever

Hi kinners!My name is Milica and I’m a third year in the Education Stream. I’m running to be your VP Administration. This year I was website coordinator and my love for all things KIN and the KUS has inspired me to take things to the next level. For those of you who don’t know, VP Admin is largely in charge of the budget, among other organization-type things. My experience in other student organizations on campus as well as the KUS will allow to me to serve you in this capacity.For this upcoming year, one of my goals is to make sure that all events run by the KUS are valuable for KIN students. Our student fees contribute to making all KIN events possible, so they should be something worthwhile for the majority of students. By allocating our budget sensibly, we can all get our money’s worth from our fees. Secondly, I would like to work with the amazing exec to start a KIN Week. If Arts and Science both have their own weeks, why shouldn’t we!? Finally, I would like to engage you all to get further involved at UBC and in our little School of Kinesiology. No matter what your goals for the future are, there are so many opportunities to get involved and prepare yourself for life after UBC, either through a coordinator position, networking, or by running your own event. Come talk to me to find out how!

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Science Undergraduate Society
6270 University Boulevard,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z1, Canada
Tel: 123-456-7890
Arts Undergraduate Society
Buchanan D140,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z1, Canada

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