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VP External

Elect ONE of the following candidates:

Candidate Bio
Montana Hunter
  • Develop a more visible arts presence on campus: I will work to more effectively promote AUS events and increase AUS presence at Imagine.
  • Create a stronger sense of Arts identity on campus: I will fight to insure that UBC Arts Students will have a greater sense of community.
  • Raise awareness about what the AUS can do for you: I will work to raise awareness of what the AUS can offer and make it more relevant.

Hi, my name is Montana Hunter and I am a fourth year History Honours with International Relations Major. I am extremely excited to campaign for the position of AUS VP External. My past experiences in student government includes my recent election to the UBC Senate, election as the 4th year Rep for the AUS wherein a served as Vice-President of the UBC Grad Class Council, and my work as the Vice-Chair for the AMS University and External Relations Committee. During my time at UBC I’ve also become involved with MUN’s and am the Undersecretary General for next year’s UBCMUN. I am extremely passionate about issues of Arts representation, identity, and about making the AUS more relevant for Arts Students. In my spare time I enjoy dancing, sword fighting and writing unpleasantly long essays. I hope you will consider voting for me in these elections.

*This candidate has received an endorsement.

Sebastian Silley

Arts Students.

I have a VISION for the AUS and my experience and determination will allow me to achieve it. If elected I plan to focus on revamping and reinvigorating 3 parts of the AUS VP External portfolio:
– Communication
– Sponsorship
– Philanthropy

Furthermore, the Executive team must be a cohesive unit and I will be a key component. Another focus of mine will be this coming years frAUSh and improving Alumni relations. I sincerely believe I am the best candidate for the position; I am congenial and driven. Please check out my full platform here.

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Science Undergraduate Society
6270 University Boulevard,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z1, Canada
Tel: 123-456-7890
Arts Undergraduate Society
Buchanan D140,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z1, Canada

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