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Public Relations Officer

Elect ONE of the following candidates:

Candidate Bio
Carmen Wong

Hello UBC Science!

My name is Carmen Wong, and I’m running to be your Public Relations Officer.

Since taking part in SUS First Year Committee, I have continued to be actively involved in SUS as a project manager for the Public Relations Committee, a Frosh Leader, General Officer, co-chair for FYC, and Marketing Director for Science Week. My involvement in SUS has given me valuable insight and the skills to better connect Science students with SUS.

If elected, I will:

  • Improve SUS branding through collaboration with the Corporate Relations and Sales Committees and increasing accessibility to the SUS website.
  • Create more opportunities through Publications, First Week, and Public Relations Committees and the Media Team.
  • Increase SUS awareness and strengthen connections to Science students through the Publications Committee and SUS First Week.

Please feel free to email me at c.wong@alumni.ubc.ca!


Candidate Bio
Cathy Sze

Hello Science Students!
I’m Cathy Sze and I’m running to be YOUR next Public Relations Officer. I have the experience and passion to liaise between the Society, the UBC Student Centre and the science student body.

As the current co-chair for the public relations committee, I work alongside the PRO in coordinating charity events for SUS while actively promoting external events for AMS and science clubs. Also this year, I have successfully worked as the Science Week 2012 event coordinator, FROSH activity leader and many science-affiliated positions. Therefore, I would create continuity within SUS.

If elected, I plan to:

  • Improve knowledge of SUS, refine media, and familiarize opportunities in the Society to expand student involvement
  • Maintain long-term corporate sponsorship
  • Strengthen and focus charity events in giving back
  • Complete initiatives and developments implemented by this year’s Executive Committee

For more information please visit: http://www.wix.com/cathysze/pro
Vote Cathy for Public Relations!

Candidate Bio
Jennifer Yiu


I am here to inspire you. I am Jennifer Yiu. It’s my 4th year in Integrated Science and I want to make next year a BIG BANG. I’ve seen what works and what doesn’t in PR. Promotion is key to a successful event. It involves more than just announcements and posters to get the word out. People are triggered by different stimuli and I intend to get it going with flash mobs and FREE SWAG. Yes, I am just that awesome.

To brief you on my PR experience, I’ve been involved in: marketing committee in FYC; PR committee in 1st year; sponsorship coordinator, SUS rep, and VP Events in ISSA; social coordinator for UBC Kendo; Frosh Leader; MUG Leader – my enthusiasm knows no bounds.

My goal is to get people to feel a part of Science without needing to join SUS clubs. I am ready to *snip*

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Science Undergraduate Society
6270 University Boulevard,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z1, Canada
Tel: 123-456-7890
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Buchanan D140,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z1, Canada

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