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VP Internal

Elect ONE of the following candidates:

Candidate Bio
Aaron Bailey

My name is Aaron Bailey and I am looking to be your next SUS Vice President Internal.
I am a first year student in the Science One program who has been an elected SUS councillor, sat on the First Year and Academic committees, participated in residence council as a floor representative and is a participant in the 5 Days for the Homeless campaign.My platform rests on three pillars:1) Science Pride: Promoting spirit through more Science-specific events and Science-branded merchandise.

2) Academic Lobbying: Empowerment of elected program representatives through education on lobbying techniques and administrative infrastructure of the university.

3) Breaking Barriers: Increasing SUS transparency by creating more leadership opportunities specifically focused on engaging first years.

I believe that my strong leadership skills, wealth of SUS-specific involvement and extensive volunteer experience make me an excellent candidate to represent the student population as the next Vice President Internal.

Bleed Blue!

Candidate Bio
Mahsa Kabolizadeh

I am a third year CMS major, and have been a part of SUS since my first year. I am a super passionate science student, who loves to enjoy life and always smile.My favorite things to do at UBC are watching the sun set at the Rose Garden, walking to McDonald’s for a cheese burger, taking short naps at the aquatic centre, and meeting new students.As VPI I plan on taking the academic committee to a new level by having students voices and concerns heard. I also want to inform and encourage as many first year students and get them involved in the First year Committee.I am very organized and can handle stressful situations with a calm and cool smile, therefore will make the internal affairs within SUS a breeze.

Some of my experiences on SUS:

2 years as the General Science and CMS representative
Member of the *snip*

Candidate Bio

William Huang


After an unforgettable first year, I wanted to become more involved in events right here at UBC because I wanted to initiate a positive difference in the lives of others. During my second year, I joined a House Council, where I’ve had the privilege of working with residents in Place Vanier, which allowed me to develop my skills as a leader. Here, I not only learned, but began to truly grasp the concept of advocacy – being able to represent the needs of others. It soon became clear that UBC has room for improvement which is my motivation in getting involved. I would like to extend this concept over to the people of UBC Science by serving as your VP Internal, in order to address some of the key issues that we face today. Given my ambitious drive, I am poised to work for you.Forever yours,

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Science Undergraduate Society
6270 University Boulevard,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z1, Canada
Tel: 123-456-7890
Arts Undergraduate Society
Buchanan D140,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z1, Canada

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