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Election Events

Event schedule is still subject to major changes. Please check back for finalized event details on March 2nd.

Campaign Week :: March 5 – 9

March 5
March 6
AUS All Candidates Ice Cream Social / Forum at MASS (3:00pm to 4:30pm)

  • This forum provides an opportunity for you to connect with all candidates about what you would like to see from your AUS. Chart paper will be posted around the walls of MASS for you to provide input on AUS events, policy, positions, etc. Discuss your ideas for the AUS with it’s future leaders.
  • Free ice cream! Please bring your own bowl and utensils if available.
March 7
Candidate Debates at MASS (2:30pm to 4:00pm)

  • 2:30pm – VP Internal
  • 3:00pm – VP Finance
  • 3:30pm – VP Academic
March 8
Candidate Debates at MASS (5:00pm to 6:30pm)

  • 5:00pm – Senate
  • 5:30pm – VP Administration
  • 6:00pm – VP Student Life
  • 6:30pm – VP External
March 9
Presidential and AMS Rep Debate at the UBC CSI (4:00pm to 5:00pm)

  • 4:00pm – AMS Representatives
  • 4:30pm – President

Voting Week :: March 12 – 16

March 12
POLLS OPEN (8:00am)

Purple T-shirt day!

  • Wear your Arts purple today to remind your fellow students about the AUS elections starting!

AUS All Candidates Ice Cream Social / Forum at MASS (2:00pm to 3:30pm)

  • This forum provides an opportunity for you to connect with all candidates about what you would like to see from your AUS. Chart paper will be posted around the walls of MASS for you to provide input on AUS events, policy, positions, etc. Discuss your ideas for the AUS with it’s future leaders.
  • Free ice cream! Please bring your own bowl and utensils if available.
March 13
Pancake Breakfast in MASS (10:00am to 12:00pm)

  • Meet the candidates and vote at our polling station.
  • Free pancakes! Please bring your own plate and utensils if available.

Coffee and Hot Chocolate in the Buchanan Courtyard (12:00pm to 2:00pm)

  • Come grab a candidates pamphlet to get informed about the positions and who is running.
  • Grab some free coffee or hot chocolate to get you through your afternoon!
March 14
Pancake Breakfast in MASS (10:00am to 12:00pm)

  • Meet the candidates and vote at our polling station.
  • Free pancakes! Please bring your own plate and utensils if available.

Coffee and Hot Chocolate in the Buchanan Courtyard (12:00pm to 2:00pm)

  • Come grab a candidates pamphlet to get informed about the positions and who is running.
  • Grab some free coffee or hot chocolate to get you through your afternoon!
March 15
Easter egg candidate hunt (12:30pm to 2:00pm)

  • Our candidates will be around campus with candy. Spot a candidate you recognize from their posters, get some free candy. Simple.
March 16
Purple Wave!

  • Our elections volunteers and candidates will be decked out in all the Arts swag they can find and hitting the streets of campus armed with candy to get as many votes in by 5:00pm as possible. Watch for us!

POLLS CLOSE (5:00pm)
Elections Results Party with SUS at the Gallery (Party starts at 5:00pm, Results at 5:30pm)


a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Science Undergraduate Society
6270 University Boulevard,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z1, Canada
Tel: 123-456-7890
Arts Undergraduate Society
Buchanan D140,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z1, Canada

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